MN Statute 147E registers naturopathic doctors effective July 2009 and mandates a work group to recommend measures to ensure MN Statute 146A effectively protects unlicensed healers and, also, to study naturopathic regulation laws in other states. All opinions welcome. In the spirit of the work group, where the unregulated and regulated healers concerns will find an equitable solution, we hope this blog will engender a friendly and meaningful conversation.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Low points of May 13 Senate Finance Amendment

Thank you Senator Torres Ray for providing outstanding leadership during the Full Senate Vote.
Sen. Torres Ray introduced Amendment 850 (text not available at the moment)
amending the May 13 Senate finance committee amendment:

Here are the low points of the May 13 massacre:
the bill be amended as follows:
Page 4, line 33, delete "N.D.,"
Subdivision 1. Work group. By September 1, 2008, the commissioner of health shall convene
a work group to develop recommendations and proposed legislation, as necessary, on regulating
naturopathic practitioners who are practicing as naturopathic medical doctors or physicians and
who have postgraduate degrees in naturopathic medicine. The recommendations must ensure the continued practice of traditional naturopathy by traditional naturopaths under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 146A. The recommendations shall include the following issues:
(1) the appropriate level of regulation for practitioners with postgraduate degree in naturopathic
(2) the definitions to be used for the recommended regulatory scheme to ensure the distinction
between the practice of naturopathic medicine and the practice of traditional naturopathy;
(3) the level of education and training, including appropriate credentialing of educational
programs for the postgraduate degree level of practice;
(4) the scope of practice for naturopathic practitioners with postgraduate degrees in naturopathic medicine that would be exclusive to these practitioners and would reflect the level of education and training. The scope of practice must acknowledge and ensure the continued practice of all complementary and alternative health practices, including naturopathy, currently practiced under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 146A;
(5) the appropriate regulatory authority, including the possible establishment of a new regulatory board; and
(6) any other regulatory requirements for naturopathic medicine the work group deems
Subd. 2. Membership and operation of working group. (a) The work group shall consist of
the following members:
(1) twomembers appointed by the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians,Minnesota chapter;
(2) two members appointed by the Coalition for Natural Health, Minnesota chapter;
(3) one member appointed by the American Naturopathic Medical Association, Minnesota chapter;
(4) one member appointed by the Minnesota Homeopathic Association;
(5) one member appointed by the Acupuncture Association of Minnesota;
(6) one member appointed by the Minnesota Chiropractic Association;
(7) one member appointed by the Minnesota Medical Association who is a practicing physician
trained in natural healing methods;
(8) one member appointed by the Office of Complementary and Alternative Medicine who is practicing as a traditional naturopath; and
(9) onememberwho is a consumer of naturopathic treatment appointed by theMinnesotaNatural Health Legal Reform project.
The work group shall
complete its recommendations by December 15, 2008, and the commissioner shall submit a report containing the work group's recommendations and proposed legislation to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over health care by January 15, 2009.
Page 12, line 17, delete "11" and insert "12" and delete "2008" and insert "2009"

Let's tally these workgroup's composition. Assuming the representatives from the homeopaths, acupuncturists, chiropractors, and medical doctors are not biased, this amendment stacks
the workgroup 5 to 2 with the opponents of regulating naturopathic doctors.
This is what MNHLRP call 'FAIR' and 'this is a good compromise'.


Anonymous said...

The 5 to 2 ratio has been determined
as FAIR by the scientists from the Clayton London School of Economics and NASA using standard econometric analysis.
Let's say a representative of the
MNANP is mildly gifted with an IQ 1 standard deviation above the mean.
Calculating, mean is 100 plus 1 deviation which is 15, total is 115.
The 5 to 2 ratio, assuming linear relationship, means that the other side considers themselves to have 40% IQ of the MNANP representative,
which is exactly 46.
Check this numbers yourself if you don't think this FAIR.

Anonymous said...

Old political fart here.

Just a quick note to my Senator M. Fischbach. I know what you did and you will pay. The political winds are blowing and your next election will not be pretty. Even if you get reelected you will be in a small minority.

Speaking for my retired self, I will work tirelessly to make sure that you are not reelected. You have needlessly endangered Minnesotan's for what?

A post state house job? What were you promised? What did you receive?

There is not way that you believe that you did the right thing by removing title protection from this law. You have knowingly endangered every Minnesotan who believes in natural care and handed our fair state over to the likes of Washington lobbyists.

Prepare to fight for every vote.

Anonymous said...

It's over and done with.
The opposition to the bill can never say again that their voices have not been heard.
Their supporters in the Senate had done tremendous job representing the opponents' agenda.
They got them what they asked for,
the work group to study and articulate their concerns and delaying registration by 1 year.
On the other hand, the legislators expressed support for registering N.D.s with overwhelming support:
60-3 in Senate and 111-22 in the House.
Thank you all!


What is the source of 'Big Money' behind the ND Registration Bill?