The lunatic fringe that hijacked the Minnesota Natural Health Legal Reform
Projects agenda lies about being the voice of Minnesotans and Natural Health.
It can not speak for anyone who can reason, which must include the majority of the MNHLRP members.
It only voices its own insanity.
Please oppose hysteria and paranoia!
Please support naturopathic doctors and SF1520!
Comments in bold dark blue.
Please comment.
**Minnesota Alert**
May 7, 2008
Please oppose HF 1724 –a bill for naturopathic physician registration.
HF 1724 is listed on the agenda for the House of Representatives. We’re asking for your help to stop this bill on the floor of the House. Please take a moment and copy and paste the three points of this alert and email it to your Representative. Please take the time to email it to as many Reps as you can.
Honorable Representative,
I am a constituent writing you about HF 1724 – a bill for naturopathic physician registration.
1. There is HUGE CONTROVERSY out there amongst citizens, The CITIZENS have not been properly heard!
You made up a pile of lies and have been bombarding everyone non-stop with your insane rantings. So much for the controversy.
2. The public is already protected under Mn. Stat. 146A – The Complementary and Alternative Health Care act overwhelmingly passed by this legislature in 2000.
That is how it should be. 146A protects unlicensed healers. It does NOT forbid naturopathic doctors, who are regulated as a distinct profession in many states, from developing their profession in Minnesota and seeking recognition. It does NOT create a cartel to stop naturopathic doctors's registration at any cost.
3. This bill will put these naturopaths under the jurisdiction of the Board of Medical practices. This jeopardizes the whole field of Natural Health because the Board of Medical Practice does not have a history of sympathy for or understanding of Natural Health.
Are you trying to kill naturopathic doctors' legislation, HF1724/SF1520, for their own benefit? So that the Board of Medical
Practice does not molest them? What a load of rubbish! If the public, which by the way includes medical profession, believes that your
lunatic fringe represents 'Natural Health', that is terrible news.
Shouting non-stop lies does not make you the voice of the public, or
natural health, it only demonstrates how crazy you are.
You are your own worse enemy. The more people hear your brain-dead proclamations, the less they are likely to support you.
The Minnesota House overwhelmingly voted to support naturopathic
doctors and passed HF 1724 90 to 42, May 7th!
(insert your name, address and phone number)
To find your Representative, visit this link:
For a list of all Representatives by District, visit this link:
Click on the name of the Representative for their contact information.
Thank you so much for all your help. Please contact us with any questions and please communicate back to us any feedback you receive from Representatives.
Dear Concerned Citizens:
We have reached a crucial stage in our important fight to stop the threat presented by Senate File 1520 -- a bill for naturopathic registration with licensure to be sought next year. Your personal help is needed NOW!
We need you to make personal calls to the offices of the following state Senators and ask to leave a message that you called to oppose SF 1520, the bill authored by Senator Patricia Torres Ray to register certain naturopaths and permit them to exclusive use of the term “doctor”. We believe the bill would do harm to some of the traditional complementary and alternative health care practices community.
This must be the crux of the matter. In MInnesota, nobody is allowed to present themselves as "Doctor of Naturopathy" under the current statutes. The new bill reserves 'naturopathic doctor' for those who completed 4-year full-time doctorate programs in professionally accredited naturopathic medical schools, and who are eligible to be licensed as naturopathic doctors in many states. This must be too much to bear for the representatives of diploma mills, who confer bogus 'Doctor of Naturopathy' degrees. Their degrees are not recognized by ANY state licensing or professional, or educational accreditation body in any state. This is all that 'controversy' is about. So much for looking after the citizens of Minnesota.
Please ask to leave a short, respectful courteous message with the Senator’s assistant or on their voice mail. Calling the number after hours and leaving a voice mail message is perfectly acceptable.
Your work really matters! If you can make 20 phone calls, you can be a critical part of stopping this bill!
A work group could provide licensed and unlicensed practitioners the incentive to sit down, discuss, and evaluate the appropriate level of education, training and regulation (registration or licensure) needed for naturopathic physicians who seek to practice naturopathic medicine, while ensuring that naturopathy and the other complementary and alternative health care practices (CAP) remain in the public domain, and can be practiced by traditional naturopaths and other unlicensed complementary and alternative practitioners.
This is the opponents' last chance to kill the bill. The bill does not change what anyone can do under 146A in any way. Minnesota state agencies studied the subject in 1998 and 1987. To have controversy, there must be opposing views.
All states regulating naturopathic doctors use similar standards. The proposal for 'workgroup' is to have representatives of unaccredited diploma mills, such as Boyd Landry, to dictate what constitutes
proper education for trained naturopathic doctors, who attend schools accredited by a U.S. Department of Education recognized professional board. If anyone were to try argue before any state educational accreditation agency which examines validity of one's educational credentials to accept any degree from an unaccredited correspondence school they would be ridiculed.
It should read: I am totally crazy and have no idea what I am talking.
“I/We oppose Senate File 1520, the natural health care regulation bill. Further study and agreement among the affected parties is needed for any legislation to be appropriate and acceptable to practitioners and consumers. The bill in its current form must be opposed unless it is replaced with an interim working group”.
Please call the offices of:
Thank you for your very important help. If you can also email or call other Senators, so much the better. A complete list of the Senate Finance committee is above.
If you need more background, please see the one page summary of our position that is being used at the Capitol that is set out below.
SF Naturopathic Doctor Registration Bill – 1520/HF 1724
1. Why is this bill so controversial?
Citizens and practitioners are concerned that the real intent behind this registration bill is to remove naturopathy and many of the modalities practiced safely under existing law from the list of complementary and alternative health care practices (CAP) that unlicensed providers can offer. This concern is based upon the following facts:
v The bill contains a broad scope of practice which overlaps into other licensed and unlicensed practice areas.
(1) This overlap has not been vetted with unlicensed CAP practitioners and
(2) Amendments to clarify this scope of practice have been refused by the proponents.
v The bill originally was introduced as a licensure bill.
v The authors and the proponents have stated that they wish “naturopathic physicians” to be licensed under Minnesota law. Recent bill introductions indicate a clear intention to limit who can practice naturopathy.
Are If there is another bill that concerns you, please take this up with the author of that bill!
v Citizens and unlicensed CAP practitioners who vigorously oppose this bill desire to continue to access and provide “naturopathy”, as practiced by traditional naturopaths for centuries which “does no harm”. Traditional naturopaths have no desire to be trained in or to prescribe prescription drugs and/or perform surgical techniques. They should be permitted to continue to serve the public in their respective careers and modalities without fear or interference of a creeping registration/licensure campaign.
SF 1520 is carefully worded to make sure that anyone protected under current CAM Law, 146A, will not have any
of his or her rights jeopardized under proposed legislature. Please read what it says!
2. a working group is the most sensible way to move forward:
The naturopathic physicians desire to be licensed, with oversight by the Medical Board, practice naturopathic medicine, and to be able to use the title “doctor.” These 20 naturopathic physicians desire to perform invasive medical practices i.e., surgery, prescribing prescription drugs, and childbirth, all of which warrant further regulation (registration or licensure) by the State).
Throughout the progress of this bill in both houses more questions have arisen than have been answered. More and more interested parties are becoming aware of the legislation and expressing their concerns. To avoid what has happened in this process, the Legislature passed Chapter 214 requiring extensive study before such legislation can proceed.
A work group could provide licensed and unlicensed practitioners the incentive to sit down, discuss, and evaluate the appropriate level of education, training and regulation (registration or licensure) needed for naturopathic physicians who seek to practice naturopathic medicine, while ensuring that naturopathy and the other complementary and alternative health care practices (CAP) remain in the public domain, and can be practiced by traditional naturopaths and other unlicensed complementary and alternative practitioners.
Summary: PURE NONSENSE, through and through, without any rhyme or reason.
Minnesota Natural Health Legal Reform Project
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