MN Statute 147E registers naturopathic doctors effective July 2009 and mandates a work group to recommend measures to ensure MN Statute 146A effectively protects unlicensed healers and, also, to study naturopathic regulation laws in other states. All opinions welcome. In the spirit of the work group, where the unregulated and regulated healers concerns will find an equitable solution, we hope this blog will engender a friendly and meaningful conversation.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Minnesota Statute 147E text posted online

Statute 147E registers naturopathic doctors in Minnesota effective July 1, 2009.
Section 12 mandates a work group for these purposes:
Subdivision 1. Work group. By September 1, 2008, the commissioner of health
shall convene a work group to develop recommendations and proposed legislation, as
necessary, on regulating naturopathic practitioners who are practicing as naturopathic
medical doctors or physicians and who have postgraduate degrees in naturopathic
medicine. The recommendations must ensure the continued practice of traditional
naturopathy by traditional naturopaths under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 146A. The
recommendations shall include the following issues:
(1) the appropriate level of regulation for practitioners with a postgraduate degree
in naturopathic medicine;
(2) the definitions to be used for the recommended regulatory scheme to ensure the
distinction between the practice of naturopathic medicine and the practice of traditional
(3) the level of education and training, including appropriate credentialing of
educational programs for the postgraduate degree level of practice;
(4) the scope of practice for naturopathic practitioners with a postgraduate degree in
naturopathic medicine that would be exclusive to these practitioners and would reflect
the level of education and training. The scope of practice must acknowledge and ensure
the continued practice of all complementary and alternative health practices, including
naturopathy, currently practiced under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 146A;
(5) the appropriate regulatory authority, including the possible establishment of a
new regulatory board; and
(6) any other regulatory requirements for naturopathic medicine the work group
deems necessary.

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What is the source of 'Big Money' behind the ND Registration Bill?