MN Statute 147E registers naturopathic doctors effective July 2009 and mandates a work group to recommend measures to ensure MN Statute 146A effectively protects unlicensed healers and, also, to study naturopathic regulation laws in other states. All opinions welcome. In the spirit of the work group, where the unregulated and regulated healers concerns will find an equitable solution, we hope this blog will engender a friendly and meaningful conversation.

Friday, May 16, 2008

And the good news is, HF 1724 passes!

Naturopathic Doctors will be registered in Minnesota effective July 1, 2009.
Senator Torres Ray introduced amendment 850, changing the composition of the workgroup
to include 3 members each from the MNANP and the MNHLRP, and setting the registration
effective date to the original July 1, 2008. This passed.
Senator B. Dille introduced the amendment 852, pushing the effective date forward to July 1, 2009. This amendment passed as well.

Senator Torres Ray did a wonderful job on the Senate floor.
Senator Berglin also defended registration of naturopaths.

The opposition did a great job fighting on behalf of well, I am not sure
exactly who, they are a shady bunch. The workgroup will give them a chance to come out
of the shadows and show everyone who they are.
The opposing Senators were organized and executed well.
They were Senators Robling, Dille, Fischbach, (someone else?), and Vickerman.
As much as I hated what they were trying to accomplish, it was great political theater.
Thank you Senator Torres Ray for standing up to their onslaught and holding your ground.
You were great!


Anonymous said...

We have the list of the filth in our legislature. Now we need to clean the house and senate.

I know where my political sights are. It is time to write letters to the editor, to spread rumors, to use dirty tricks, to join their groups and subvert them from the inside, to destroy them utterly.

They deserve no respect and no mercy.


Anonymous said...

Dear anonymous,

Yesterday the Senate and House overwhelmingly passed HF1724, a bill
registering naturopathic physicians
in Minnesota.
The bill succeeded because N.D.s'
willingness to consider every interested parties' concerns and make compromises favorably impressed the legislators.
It was actually really nice to see
someone like Rep. Dan Severson smile during the House Floor Vote and say that he supports the bill.
I was very critical of Severson's position during the House Floor Vote on May 7, when he was waving papers and criticizing N.D.s education (totally untrue by the way), which made it totally clear where this 'information' came from.
For the record, when Severson said
that the Office of Human Services voted 4-4 in 1987 against regulation, he failed to mention that this WAS because the OHS did not think that 5 N.D.s could support an independent board, which
they were asking for.
Also, the line that someone fed Rep. Severson about medical doctors
education not being associated with
the U.S. Dept of Education is a complete falsehood, every single M.D. program is accredited by the LCME, which is recognized by the D.of Educ., in a setup that is EXACTLY parallel to the role CNME plays for the N.D.s.
Anyway, it was really pleased to see Severson lighten up last night and smile.
ALL legislators have been under tremendous pressure, and they all deserve our thanks for their hard work.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anon,
I hope you do not represent the supporters of HF1724.
Your language is so full of rage, just like from the opponents of the bill.
Why use dirty tricks? Get elected to the Legislature and do whatever you like in the open.
I think we have had enough lies and misinformation for a 1000 years.

Anonymous said...

Dan S. [Severson] and Sauza,

If I look beyond the fact that the opponents of this bill have tried every underhanded trick out of the Karl Rove Handbook of Political Dirty Tricks to get their way, then I would also have to look past my suspicion that Sauza and Dan S are actually Dan Severson just hoping to "sanitize" his record for the next election.

That dirty unsubstantiated rumor aside, I will take what you said to heart and try to move on without rancor.

This manufactured fight and controversy, woven from nothingness by the MnHLRP, has done immense damage to the natural health community in Minnesota. The lunatic fringe that has seized control of their board I do not forgive and I will not rest until they are ousted.

It is unfortunate what fear can make people do. And what rancor has made me say.

You are right. We need to heal.


What is the source of 'Big Money' behind the ND Registration Bill?