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4/28/2008 Health Notes
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MN Statute 147E registers naturopathic doctors effective July 2009 and mandates a work group to recommend measures to ensure MN Statute 146A effectively protects unlicensed healers and, also, to study naturopathic regulation laws in other states. All opinions welcome. In the spirit of the work group, where the unregulated and regulated healers concerns will find an equitable solution, we hope this blog will engender a friendly and meaningful conversation.
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What a load of buffalo chips. I must admit that they are good at spinning. I called in an was maligned as mentally unbalanced and was not even able to reply.
It was very Karl Rove.
What amazed me was the obvious fact that the "guests" on the show had obviously not read the bill and could only make vague threats of what would happen if the bill passes.
Blatant fear mongering.
Here is some truths.
Where licensure and registration exist then all natural medicine seems to thrive. The guests seem to have a strange idea of what capitalism is. The bigger the market, the better for the consumer and yet they claim that having more qualified natural health providers in the state will be bad for consumers and other practitioners. Adam Smith is spinning in his grave.
Insurance prices in the US are broken, but why would good preventative cost effective doctors raise costs? They won't no matter how ofter the opponents of this bill say it is. The fact is that the only states where there is insurance coverage for natural medicine are in states that license or register them. So if you want insurance coverage here in Minnesota you need to support this.
Other boogie men mentioned are the medical board overseeing and taking over. Find me a single line in the legislation that even allows for this. There isn't one. And saying it is so is just a lie. Next they will be claiming that the boogie man is real and will steal you children or something. Pure Codswallop.
I have asked the program manager of the radio station to allow for an immediate rebuttal. Doubtful. But if she doesn't then I will work very hard to make sure that this "host" loses her job. Advertising revenue is hard to come by these days. You do not get to lie with impunity.
Thank you Kinshasha for discussing
the subject of N.D. Registration
on your program!
One topic I would like to mention is
how registration would affect people who can not afford to pay for naturopathic medical care out of their pocket right now.
In states where naturopathic physicians are licensed and registered, they work side by side with other medical practitioners, such as M.D.s, in free community clinics to make their care available to folks who can not pay
for it.
The reason they can do that is that
being licensed or registered allows
a doctor have medical malpractice
insurance required to work at one of these clinics.
Without registration, even if an N.D. wanted to help the community and contribute her time at one of these free clinics she could not.
This is how opposing registration limits availability of naturopathic medical care for everybody.
Who would be adversely affected by
registering N.D.s?
Those 'couple hundred' naturopaths, Karen Studders talks about at 33min20sec of the show, 'who had gone to higher education and earned
initials N.D. after their name', who would not be registered under this bill, that's who. That's really unfair.
The public deserves to know who all the naturopaths with N.D. initials after their name are and where they went to higher education.
Naturopathy has the noble goal of
promoting health naturally.
Let's give ALL naturopaths public recognition and credit due and at the same time ensure public safety.
Let's have a public clearinghouse, a registry, where public can get information about all nature docs, like an online database for the whole state.
If you are one of those 'chosen' 25, and you went to the few schools
that you claim are accredited, with "full-time instruction and clinical practice", great, let the public know. Do not deny others
an opportunity to be listed!
It's a win-win for everyone.
This way if someone's credentials
are suspect we all would know,
end of controversy. :)
How pathetic for the so-called 'chosen' N.D.s to put in their 'scope' all kinds of alternative healing modalities.
Their claim to have specialized
in the advanced colonic therapies during their 4-year medical schooling is especially egregious.
It is patently false, a lie, like their whole 'higher education'.
The world knows that the only medical school anywhere offering Advanced Colonic Doctorate Training is the University of Chicago Medical School,
which has a joint M.D.-Ph.D. program with the International Colonic Technology University Advanced Research Center in Batavia Illinois.
Nobody else has such program, not even Harvard Medical School, or Johns Hopkins, and not the naturopathic medicals schools as these wannabees claim.
This 'unique' claim to advanced colonic training is another example of the imperialist yankee propaganda.
The revisionist policy of claiming
world colonic hegemony will not stand.
¡No PasarĂ¡n!
In free Cuba, colonic hydrotherapy
is honored as the queen of medical sciences. In fact, it is the only
type of medicine taught in Cuba's medical schools where students spend the entire 6 years
mastering it.
The Dream Team:
Karen Studders, G.E.D.
Greg "Twilight Zone" Schmidt
Katie "All Your Rectum Are Belong To Us" Murphy
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