MN Statute 147E registers naturopathic doctors effective July 2009 and mandates a work group to recommend measures to ensure MN Statute 146A effectively protects unlicensed healers and, also, to study naturopathic regulation laws in other states. All opinions welcome. In the spirit of the work group, where the unregulated and regulated healers concerns will find an equitable solution, we hope this blog will engender a friendly and meaningful conversation.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Minneapolis Star Tribune article

A bitter fight over who can be called 'doctor'

June 7, 2008

It took 99 years, but Minnesota has finally given official recognition to the practice of naturopathic medicine, which relies on the body's powers to heal itself.

Under a new state law, naturopaths -- who use everything from herbal remedies to biofeedback -- will be allowed to register with the state and call themselves doctors without fear of running afoul of the medical establishment.

You might think that would be a cause for celebration throughout Minnesota's alternative-health community.

But you'd be wrong.

Instead, the new law has triggered a bitter rift among the vast array of people who practice alternative medicine, from homeopaths to folk healers to massage therapists.

To those covered by the new law, it's simply a way to get more respect and professional freedom for a particular brand of holistic medicine. But others see it as an assault in a turf war that could benefit a few highly trained practitioners at the expense of others.

"What they're trying to do is become the gatekeeper for natural health, so nobody else can practice," said Greg Schmidt, who runs the Minnesota Natural Health Legal Reform Project, which led a pitched battle to sink the law.

Despite assurances to the contrary, the fissure remains.

"I didn't realize how much of an issue it was going to be," said Rep. Neva Walker, DFL-Minneapolis, who championed the bill for years before it finally passed and was signed into law in May. "[I] didn't realize somebody who had supported all forms of alternative healing for years was going to be an enemy."

The quest for recognition

Naturopathic doctors call their work a mix of modern and traditional medicine.

In some states, they are licensed professionals, much like medical doctors. The main difference, they say, is that they rely on herbs, vitamins and other natural, low-tech remedies to treat ailments that, they believe, are often caused by stress and lifestyle.

"It's blending the best of what we know in science with the best of what we know in natural medicine," said Leslie Vilensky, of New Prague, president of the Minnesota Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

In Minnesota, supporters have tried, on and off, to pass a naturopathic law since 1909. But they have been lumped in with other folk healers, allowed to work with patients as long as they didn't cross into territory reserved for doctors or other licensed professionals.

Sometimes, that's been tricky.

In 1996, Helen Healy, a St. Paul naturopath, was accused by the state Board of Medical Practice of practicing medicine without a license. Her case instantly became a cause célèbre for alternative medicine supporters. Natural healers of all stripes, from herbalists to homeopaths, protested in the streets over her treatment. Eventually the medical board compromised, allowing Healy to see patients within certain limits.

At that point, Healy, who runs the Wellspring Naturopathic Clinic, vowed to try to change state law to allow naturopathic doctors to practice freely. She never imagined that the biggest resistance would come from former allies.

"We're not trying to take away anybody's rights to use these gifts from nature," she said last week. "We just need to have a place ... for naturopathic physicians."

A divide among healers

For years, Healy and her colleagues pushed futilely for a law to license naturopathic doctors. This year, they changed strategy and proposed a less-formal registration.

It allows those who qualify to use the title "naturopathic doctor" and expand their "scope of practice" to include such things as ordering blood tests and MRIs, and admitting patients to hospitals.

It only applies, however, to graduates of four-year naturopathic medical schools -- about 26 people now practicing in Minnesota, according to the naturopathic group.

At first, they ran into flak from both sides. The Minnesota Medical Association (MMA), representing conventional doctors, objected to allowing naturopaths to prescribe drugs and perform minor surgery. When those items were dropped, the MMA withdrew its opposition.

But the alternative-medicine groups dug in their heels. Boyd Landry, who heads the Coalition for Natural Health in Washington, D.C., argued that it could lead to restrictions on other people practicing alternative medicine. "This is about market share. This is about turf," he said.

Schmidt, of the Minnesota group, agreed. "Regulatory schemes create boxes, and boxes fence people in as much as they fence people out," he said. Schmidt worried what would happen to naturopaths who are self-taught or took correspondence courses and don't qualify under this law.

"Why should they be denied a title?" he asked.

Supporters, though, say the new law doesn't interfere with anyone's right to practice alternative medicine. "Take a look at the bill; it's not there. The bill doesn't prohibit anybody," Healy said. "We are not trying to control the universe of natural health care."

The debate isn't over. The new law, which takes effect in July 2009, calls for a work group of both sides to hammer out the details. Both sides said that's a good thing.

Meanwhile, after nearly a century of trying, naturopaths are relishing their victory.

"It's not necessarily as complete or thorough as other laws, where naturopaths practice in other states," said Vilensky, president of the Minnesota group. "But we're very happy that we're able to do what we can do under this law."

Maura Lerner • 612-673-7384


Anonymous said...

On the whole, a balanced article.

I might give our intrepid reporter a call and ask her to find out exactly who Boyd Landry represents, because his organizations so called 2500 members are secret. Do they exist and if so who are they.

I would also like to make her aware of the diploma mills who are 'selling' degrees. These 'schools' are ripping off their students and making them believe that they are getting a real ND education.

I just got a catalog from Clayton and did you know that most of their instructors listed in the catalog have a bachelors degree only? In order to train doctoral candidates? That is unheard of in any REAL school and doesn't happen in the real world.

This is why they can't get accredited by the federal department of education or any state government agency.


Anonymous said...

I liked the article and thought it was balanced too.
Judging by the comments, it does not explain well what qualifies one as a registered ND.
A lot of people obviously do not understand the law but that does not stop them from making asinine comments.
Wait, ignorance is WHY they make those stupid comments in the first place.

Anonymous said...

A positive article in Star Tribune. I might wonder what sort of consumer protection these new licensed naturopaths might work on. After all if anyone can practice this sort of healing, why can't a local drug dealer selling cocaine call himself a naturopath?

Anonymous said...


My understanding is that the new law is designed with a mind to protect consumers. Under current minnesota law ANYONE with ANY credentials can call themselves a ND just like the ones who went to medical schools.

So until the law takes effect in July of 2009 you can take out a yellow pages ad or place some newspaper ads or sell some crack and be called Doc. Heck you could drive a cab while dealing crack and pimping children and still call yourself an ND. Oh wait I am mistaken because it takes a license to drive a cab in Minnesota. I feel safer, don't you?

This law is designed to protect the ND title, but some lobbyists in the pay of multi level marketing vitamin companies and diploma mills had that title protection stripped.

If you want that back then make your voice heard to the study group. I know I will. If they suggest otherwise I will pray that the deaths caused by so called "traditional" naturopaths in other states does not happen here.

The opponents of this bill want 2 things [which they wrap in the sheep's clothing of health freedom]:

First, to grant the title of doctor to people who haven't attended a medical school, and second to establish a "wild west" like marketplace where the patient has to figure out for themselves, while sick, if their doctor is actually qualified to treat them.

My personal opinion is that these are the same goals of the big pharma and insurance companies so that they can maintain their control of health care in America.

To let you know how easy it is to get your credentials I have spent the 10 dollars it takes to establish an online university and applied for accreditation from the same groups that accredit both Clayton and Trinity Colleges of Natural Health. Interestingly enough the "review" process for these unaccredited accrediting agencies [in reality one of them is run out of his parents basement and the other is a non post office mail box at mail boxes etc, which is a handy way to get around the postal fraud laws] is a one page questionnaire mostly concerned with method of payment.

All totaled my outlay will be less than $500 and then I can start selling degrees. And if title protection isn't granted in Minnesota then there is not a damn thing anyone can do about it. My new school is named the Minnesota College of Natural Health and I will shut it down the day the laws in this state tell me to.

If someone as dopy as me can do this then anyone can. Are there any con men reading this? Some would say like Boyd Landry or Karen Studders.


Anonymous said...


Are you agreeing with my concern or are you attempting to form an answer? My concern is simple: that this new law does not address consumer protection. When someone goes to an MD and they are prescribed a drug or operated on, there is a quality control mechanism in place. If they receive shody care, that doctor can lose their license to practice medicine. At the same time, patients cannot receive such services from untrained, and uncredentialed people. If you are caught practicing medicine without a license, you go to jail.

If naturopaths have a license to maintain, there would also be an incentive to practice quality control. However if anyone can practice this form of "healing", how can you regulate quality of care? You can only regulate 5 or 6 nd's in Mn. Therefore I am asking: what are the soon to be licensed naturopaths planning to do in terms of consumer protection.

Anonymous said...


When I go on a rant I really go. Let me try to answer your questions.

The purpose of the law would be to make it easy for patients to tell, at a glance, what the qualifications of the ND you are seeing.

The problem currently is that there is no regulation and because of that there are diploma mills selling degrees with the same name. What this bill tried to do was provide title protection, meaning that if you say a registered ND you would know that they actually went to medical school and not another type of school.

This is a good first step. The law does place all registered ND's under the board that regulates all medicine in Minnesota just like MD's, Nurses, DCs etc. so in that way the registered ND's are responsible to practice under the scope of practice as established under the law.

In these important ways this law will protect consumers.

Did highly paid out of state corporate lobbyists manage to strip out some of the laws provisions before it was passed, yes. Will these provisions be added back in. Hopefully in time.

I have sat down with the registered ND's and I can tell you that they are very interested in working with the other ND's as well as MDs DCs etc. Most of them already do in some capacity.

One of the important facets of this law in terms of helping consumers is that it allows the ND's to order labs which they have been trained to. This will stop the current problem of patients having to go from their ND to their MD and having to request the tests. Thus for every test in the past a patient would pay twice. That burdensome annoyance has been removed.

I hope my explanation helps and I am sorry for ranting. I was just shocked at how little time money and investment it takes to set up an online university and start charging to grant degrees. There is no oversight.

With any luck the bill working it's way through the federal house and senate to address the problem of diploma mills will correct this. Make a difference and make a phone call.


Anonymous said...


I just reread your post.

This law does address your concern, but it could be strengthened in future legislative sessions.

Call you legislative critter and let them know your concerns.


Anonymous said...


Under the new law, regulated naturopathic doctors will fall under the jurisdiction of the State Board of Medical Practice, which will be all too happy to skin an errant naturopathic doctor alive at first opportunity.
In other words, NDs will be governed by the same Board as MDs and will be subject to de-lic(ens)ing under the same rules.

Anonymous said...

There is a big fallout over this article at
Check how people react to a subject not knowing much about it.
It would be nice to cover the things folks bring up, so that when another article is written these points would be covered.


What is the source of 'Big Money' behind the ND Registration Bill?